How Did Lexi Bell Die? Know Everything About Her Life, Cause Of Death, Obituary And More

It’s hard to fathom the loss of someone so young and vibrant as Lexi Bell, but sadly, that reality has become all too real. The University of Maine student passed away on March 25th, 2023, leaving her family, friends, and community in deep mourning. Despite the sorrow and sense of loss, though, there will always be something to celebrate in the life of a person as cherished as Lexi. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at who she was, what she meant to those who knew her, and how she will be remembered. Keep reading more

Who was Lexi Bell?

Lexi Bell was born on June 16th, 2004, in Cumberland, Maine. She spent her childhood in that area before moving to Skowhegan, where she attended Skowhegan Area High School.

There, she became a beloved athlete and student, excelling in both tennis and soccer. Her peers and community members were drawn to her easy-going personality and bright outlook on life. In the end, she was even crowned Prom King, a testament to her popularity and kind-hearted nature.

How did Lexi Bell die? What was the cause of her death?

Unfortunately, like too many people these days, Lexi lost her battle with mental health issues. Her death by suicide shocked and saddened those who knew her, but it also served as a reminder of just how important it is to support each other through tough times. According to reports, her passing was a devastating loss for many people, including her close friends and family members.

Lexi Bell Obituary

In the wake of Lexi Bell’s passing, our hearts go out to her family and those who loved her. Her story is a reminder of just how much a single life can impact those around us, and how much we stand to lose when those lives are cut short. While we recognize the pain and loss associated with suicide, we also want to celebrate the life and legacy of Lexi Bell. She was a remarkable young woman, beloved by her community and cherished by all who knew her. In her memory, we can all work a little harder to be kinder, more compassionate, and more committed to supporting each other through life’s ups and downs. Rest in peace, Lexi. You will always be remembered.

Tributes Pour To Lexi Bell

Despite the pain of her loss, though, many people are choosing to remember Lexi in a positive light. Tributes have poured in from across the state and beyond, with people sharing fond memories, anecdotes, and personal reflections on what she meant to them. Her obituary praised her “infectiously joyful nature” and “compassionate heart” and spoke to the deep impact she made on those whose lives she touched.

Siobhan Lynn

Charity Chillington I’m so deeply sorry for your loss. No one should feel this pain. Holding your family deeply in my thoughts. Please know you have a community around you here to support you in anyway. I’m here for you.

Jen Marsh

We love you. We have since kindergarten when Jenna and the girls met. My momma heart is broken for you, and all I have is what’s tattooed on my right wrist which is what my great grandfather always said, “keep the faith”. Whatever that is, Keep it. And if my texts or heart could bring you and your girls solace I would do it 1000x over. All my love ❤️  and I hate all this won’t even help take an ounce of your pain away. My sweet friend if you need anything we are just a Text away

Cindy Campbell Robinson

Oh Charity- my heart breaks for you and all that you and your sweet family have been though.  Sending you strength, peace, and love my dear friend. ❤️

As we think about Lexi and her life, it’s important to remember that her death by suicide is a tragedy that affects far too many people. Mental health struggles are all too common, and we need to work harder as a society to create a more supportive and compassionate environment for those who are struggling. In the meantime, we can honor Lexi’s memory by being there for each other, reaching out to those who may be struggling, and shining a light on the importance of mental health awareness.

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