How Did KCRW Music Librarian and DJ Eric J. Lawrence Die? Know Everything About His Cause Of Death And Obituary

It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Eric J. Lawrence, a beloved KCRW music librarian and DJ. The news of his death came as a shock to family, friends, and colleagues on Wednesday 8th February 2023, when the news was made public through various social media publications. Keep reading for more.

Who was Eric J. Lawrence?

Eric J. Lawrence had an impressive career in radio throughout his life. His first job was working as a DJ at KLA during his time at UCLA. He then went on to become both the sports guy and ticket giveaway guy for the station before eventually becoming its music director, general manager, and even game show host. During this time he developed a love for music librarying which led him to pursue a career in music librarying after graduating from UCLA in 2012.

He joined KCRW’s music library team shortly after in 2013 where he quickly became one of their most trusted members due to his vast knowledge of music history and ability to find almost any song requested by DJs or listeners alike. In addition to being an indispensable part of KCRW’s music library team, he also served as an occasional guest DJ on various shows throughout the years due to his expertise in all genres of music from indie rock to jazz and everything in between.

How did the Eric J. Lawrence die? What was the cause of his death?

His passing has been felt deeply by those who knew him best; tributes have poured out from fans around the world via social media postings sharing how much they enjoyed being able to listen to him play some of their favorite songs over the years on air or just having conversations about new releases with them via email exchanges or text messages while they were out shopping for records together at local record stores around Los Angeles County area. Details surrounding the exact cause of his death has not been made public at the time this report was made.

Eric J Lawrence Obituary

Eric J Lawrence will be remembered fondly by those who knew him best for his passion for all things music related, whether it be discovering new artists or finding hidden gems within album catalogues that no one else had heard before – he was always looking for something new that could bring joy into people’s lives through sound waves emanating from speakers everywhere! We offer our deepest condolences to all those affected by this tragedy – may you find peace knowing that Eric will continue living on through each track he played during his tenure as both a Music Librarian & DJ here at KCRW! Thank you Eric! You will be missed dearly!

Tributes Pour To Eric J. Lawrence Death