Top 10 Most Used Emojis in the World

In case you haven’t noticed, emojis have taken over the world. It seems like every day there’s a new emoji out, and people are using them more and more in their everyday lives. But with so many emojis out there, it can be hard to know which ones to use and when. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the top 10 most popular emojis, from along with some description:-

👉List of most used Emojis 2022

1. Smiling Face with Hearts 🥰
This emoji is perfect for showing your affection for someone or something. Whether you’re in love, or you just really love your dog, this emoji is sure to get the point across.

2. Rolling on the Floor Laughing 😂
Need a good laugh? This emoji is perfect for that. Whether you’re sending a funny meme to a friend or just trying to lighten the mood, this emoji is sure to do the trick.

3. Thumbs Up 👍🏼
This emoji is perfect for showing your approval or agreement with something. If you’re trying to say “yes” without actually saying it, this is the emoji for you.

4. Red Heart ❤️
This classic emoji is perfect for showing your love for someone or something. Whether you’re in a romantic relationship or you just really love your cat, this emoji is sure to get the point across.

5. Fire 🔥
This emoji can be used in a variety of ways. It can be used to show excitement (e.g., “I’m so excited for the weekend!”), or as a way to show that something is really good (e.g., “That new restaurant is fire!”). It can even be used as a general all-purpose replacement for the word “cool.”

6. 100 💯
This emoji is perfect for expressing your enthusiasm or agreement with something. Whether you’re enthusiastically agreeing with someone’s opinion or you’re just really excited about something, this emoji is sure to get the point across.

7. Crying Laughing Face 😭

This emoji is perfect for when words just don’t suffice. Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed with emotion or you’re just really amused by something, this emoji will let people know exactly how you’re feeling.

8. See No Evil Monkey 🙈

This monkey covers its eyes because it doesn’t want to see what’s happening around it—and that’s exactly what this emoji should be used for. Whether you don’t want to see what’s happening on social media or you’re trying to avoid spoilers for a TV show or movie, this monkey has got you covered.

9. Nerd Face 😎

“This face lets everyone know that you’re smart and cool—the best of both worlds! Whether you’re trying to show off your intelligence or you just think nerd culture is cool, this face is perfect for getting your point across.”

10. Pleading Face 😩

“Whether you’re begging for mercy or pleading for help, this face conveys desperation and despair better than any other emoji out there.”

With so many emojis available, it can be hard to know which ones to use and when. But don’t worry—we’ve got you covered! Here are the top 10 most popular emojis, along with some tips on how to use them: