Mark Winger Second Wife Rebecca Simic Whereabouts: What Happened?

Rebecca Simic discussed her experiences as a single mother of four children and how the startling arrest of Mark Winger impacted her in an interview with ABC 20/20.

There is a segment about the death of Donnah Brown Winger that airs in the 44th season of the television show 20/20 on ABC.

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In 1995, shortly after the Wingers had become parents to a little daughter through adoption, Mark Winger killed his wife Donnah with a hammer. The information was not revealed to the authorities until three years later when Mark’s partner disclosed it.

Mark Winger’s Second Wife Rebecca Simic Whereabouts: What Happened?

Rebecca Simic is the winger Mark Winger’s second wife. Mark Winger is a killer. On August 29, 1995, Mark Winger had the delusional belief that he could kill his wife Donnah and get away with it. After that, the investigation into the case was shelved until 1999.

Mark had already started hitchhiking, and at the time, he was doing rather well for himself in Springfield, Illinois. Mark decided to put his daughter in the care of Rebecca Simic, a full-time nanny after his first wife passed away a few months after adopting the child. Mark and his first wife had just adopted the child a few months before she passed away. This occurred following the passing of his first wife, and they didn’t have much time to waste before they tied the knot.

Following the wedding between Rebecca and Mark, Rebecca adopted Mark’s daughter Bailey and raised her as her own. After that, they were successful in having three more children together. She had a favorable opinion of the way they interacted with one another. Rebecca was shocked to learn that Mark had been detained, even though she had never suspected that he was guilty of anything.

However, she did not abandon her husband when he was on trial. She had no reason to suspect that he was a murderer, yet there was overwhelming evidence pointing in that direction. She filed for divorce as soon as it was announced that he had been found guilty and was being sentenced to life in jail without the possibility of parole.

After that, she had a clearer understanding of how cruel he could be. Rebecca said that Mark had written letters to her in which he threatened both her life and her health. Following the conclusion of the trial in the year 2002, she and the four children loaded up their belongings, got in the car with her brother, and relocated to Louisville, Kentucky. They never once bothered to turn around.

In the year 2022, Rebecca Simic will be this old.

In January of 1996, when Rebecca Simic was 23 years old and living in Springfield, Illinois, looking for work as a nanny, she crossed paths with Mark Winger. According to our findings, Rebecca will have reached the age of 49 by 2022.

The Children of Rebecca Simic and Her new  Partner

Rebecca Simic has not been seen in public since the events in the year 2002. Even though this is the case, she has been making a concerted effort, over the past several years, to talk about her background to be of assistance to other single mothers and others who have been in situations that are analogous to hers.

She is grateful that she could raise all four of her children on her own without any help. It’s possible that she didn’t end up getting married again, and it appears that she is succeeding in her career life as well.

1 thought on “Mark Winger Second Wife Rebecca Simic Whereabouts: What Happened?”

  1. Love to you Rebecca and Bailey and all the other children. This is a remarkable story. Thank you for keeping Dannahs parents and family in Bailey s life.

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