Jeff Rogers okc dead and obituary, Cowboy Ranch owner dies

It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Jeff Rogers, a longtime restaurant and nightclub operator in Oklahoma City. Sadly his restaurants were forced to close due to unpaid debt and taxes. Keep reading for more

Who was Jeff Rogers?

Jeff Rogers was an Owner of a Cowboy Ranch, Rocking Country Bar @CowboyRanchOkc. Jeff Rogers was a passionate resident of Oklahoma City and passionate proprietor in the hospitality industry. He made his mark in the local area by opening up Cowboy Ranch Bar, one of his most successful establishments

Having been involved in the hospitality industry for many years beforehand, Jeff brought with him a wealth of experiences and creative concepts that helped to shape Oklahoma City’s landscape. His contributions were immense and will not soon be forgotten.

How did Jeff Rogers die? What was the Cause of his Death

Jeff Rogers, the owner of Cowboy Ranch, sadly passed away on December 9th 2022 of natural causes as attorney Elaine Dowling confirmed. According to court records Rogers had endured financial troubles concerning the lease agreement for his bar which began in July 13, 2020. Court records indicate that he had fallen behind on making required percentage rent payments and did not submit reports from January 2021 through August 2022, suggesting that these problems had been building up for some time before his death.

Tributes to Jeff Rogers death

Edward Pulido

Heartbroken! No matter the chatter or the negativity on social media, Jeff Rogers
took care of many, to include my daughter and my family every time we frequented his establishments. He always talked to me and gave us love. That is the positive measurement that we will remember.
With that said, he had many partners and supporters just like me. At the end of the day, personally, he always honored my service and sacrifice. That again is what I will always remember about Jeff
At this point, we should be respectful to his legacy and his family. No one ever wants to lose their loved one. It hurts! I know, I just lost my Daddy! And at the end of the day, we will never forget our loved one
As Americans and as friends, let’s be respectful and honorable during this time of challenge for his family. Jeff did his best positively and negatively to many. That is not for me or anyone to judge. God is the only one that does that! At the end of the day, like every American, let’s celebrate his life and his friendship as we move forward. That is what we are called to do. That is the right thing to do
May God bless Jeffs family and his beautiful wife during this time of grief. Rest assured, that life for his wife and her future endeavors will not be easy moving forward. Life and all the stuff that goes around it, sometimes sucks! But at the end of the day, God is on everyones side. He is the one that tells us what time to go and what time your life is finished. For that, we respect and we honor the blessings of love and life that God brings to us

On a personal note, Karen Conner Pulido and Kaitlin Pulido will always remember this day. This picture with my friend who went above and beyond the call of duty, for my family, will never be forgotten
Again, Jeff was good to us on this day of OU Football in Norman. No matter what was going on in his life on that day, he gave us love and attention. That is what me and my family will always remember.
Godspeed! Love you America! Be nice and be grateful! All of us have a day coming! . . ! . . a day coming!

Dee Downer

Sad sad sad.

Chance Cameron
Prayers for all his family and friends

Fanci Vanderslice
I am completely heartbroken! I can’t believe these awful people broke him!! He would’ve given anyone everything he had. So sad this is the world we live in. Goodbye my friend 😢

Conclusion: We’d like to offer our sincerest condolences to family and friends of Jeff Rogers during this difficult time. As the news of his passing spreads throughout OKC it’s clear that he left behind a wonderful legacy as an enthusiastic entrepreneur who truly cared about helping others and making their lives better. May he rest in peace knowing how much he meant to so many people here in OKC.

1 thought on “Jeff Rogers okc dead and obituary, Cowboy Ranch owner dies”

  1. Jeff was and has always been a compassionate man. His daddy raised him right. He was loved and cherished more than anyone will ever know. He worked hard and helped many. All the nasty lies being spread about him breaks my heart.He was not that type of person. I should know I’ve known him since the day he was born. My nephew was the apple of his dad eye. No two people could be as loving toward each other. My brother, his wife, myself, and the rest of the family are grieving the loss of a very loved and special man. Thank you all for setting the record straight.

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